
George Will and I both have had enough

Friday, Aug. 9, 2019 2:10 PM

George Will, a respected , prominent and honored long-time conservative author and presence in political D.C., is also a former member of the Republican Party.

He is among the many who have written about the recent horrific mass shootings in Texas and Ohio as well as throughout our country since Donald Trump became president. The relationship between the president’s constant bigoted and perhaps inciteful speech and these horrendous events compelled him to pen a recent Washington Post opinion column.

Will states: “It is quite another thing to have a president who does not merely pollute the social atmosphere with invectives directed at various disfavored minorities; he uses his inflated office not just to shape this atmosphere but to be this atmosphere.”

Don’t we all agree that this carnage must stop? Both political parties have paid scant attention to the issue for too many decades. Result? There are now more guns privately owned in the U.S. than the country’s total population. We are the most domestically violent democracy in the world.

It’s a difficult, complex issue to discuss and, hopefully, solve. But this must be done before our country becomes nothing but a blood bath every week.

Mr. Will: “Today’s long – and perhaps occasionally lethal – national embarrassment will continue at least until Jan. 20, 2021. If it continues longer, this will be more than an embarrassment to the nation, this will be an indictment of it.”

Salye Stein

