
Seek solutions, not divisions

Monday, July 29, 2013 10:08 PM


A letter by Larry Berger in the Journal on July 24 vilifying the character of Sheriff Spruell for his upholding of his oath of office was disturbing. It is very sad that a local citizen would use the public news media to print false statements and distorted information to attempt to justify his personal animosity toward our duly elected officers and others that support them and the Constitution they are upholding. His “recap” was on the verge of slander. His reference to the 9/12 and TEA party “wasting” city money to impeach city council members was totally false. The 9/12 group had no involvement in that, nor did they care since most are not even city dwellers.

I was even more confused when he related the sheriff to the county being an economically depressed county. Did our county suddenly become depressed with the voting in of a sheriff? His suggestion for the next election to vote for who will do the best job, not the political party, was good. But we don’t have to wait for the next election; the voters already did!

His letter clearly points out the gross lack of knowledge and acceptance of our Constitution and form of government that some have, and they will use any means to destroy it. Yes, those of us that care about our county and its future do support our sheriff and all elected county officers, regardless of “party” or personality, because they are all upholding their oath of office and doing their job on all our behalf, and doing it well. We are looking at some very difficult times ahead for all of us. We need to be looking for solutions, not divisions! Support our sheriff and all county officers; they have a tough job!

Dexter Gill

