
Leftists are trying to destroy America

Friday, Aug. 2, 2019 3:24 PM

If ever there were a more hypocritical bunch of misfits, the Democratic debates proved it. The blood lust hatred for this country is unlike anything ever seen. One glaring example: Trump’s comment on Baltimore. Wow, did the swords flash.

Only problem is that Elijah Cummings, who went ballistic, is on record as saying the same things. The mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings Blake, is shown on the local TV news station walking around her city and saying the very same things!

Democratic-controlled cities have the worst unemployment rates, the worst crime, the worst schools and the highest welfare. They also have the most draconian gun laws. And how carefully inner city violence of black on black gang shootings is omitted from their phony diatribes. The actual crime stats solidify the truth. Bernie Sanders has become filthy rich by the very system he claims to despise!

And then there is the once Golden State of California. R.I.P.

These leftists have one goal, to destroy the most prosperous and successful nation in history. To destroy our Constitution, the ability of anyone willing to work hard to succeed. To destroy individual liberty, tax us out of existence, finish off healthcare which the last regime critically wounded.

God once blessed America. May He heal it before it’s bled to death!

I’ll trust a billionaire who became a politician before I’ll trust a politician who became a multi-millionaire off the blood of working people.

Term limits on congress!

Denise Murray

