
Bipartisan effort on climate change

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 10:50 AM

This summer, our Western Slope congressional delegation has been working across the aisle on practical, bipartisan solutions to address climate change.

Last week, Rep. Scott Tipton co-sponsored the Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act. The bill would increase production of wind, solar and geothermal energy on federal lands and provide funding for local governments, outdoor recreation and deficit reduction.

Sen. Cory Gardner shepherded several climate bills through the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Bills authored by Gardner would help fund energy efficiency upgrades to federal buildings and new hydropower development within the nation’s existing dam infrastructure.

Sen. Michael Bennet teamed up with Gardner on a bill to help promising new energy technologies developed by the national labs move into commercial use. Another bipartisan bill sponsored by Bennet would ease financing for carbon capture projects.

Bills like these represent an a la carte approach to climate policy. Each is tightly targeted to a specific piece of the climate crisis puzzle. Carbon pricing is the next important puzzle piece. We need Congress to fix the flaw in our energy market that lets fossil fuel companies emit carbon pollution for free.

Kathy Fackler

