
Why do Democrats despise America?

Thursday, July 11, 2019 10:46 AM

A new Gallup Poll shows that most Democrats don’t really care much for the United States.

Take a look at the constant negative and anti-American comments made by Democrats and their No. 1 supporter, the teachers’ unions, and you can begin to understand why anti-Americanism is growing.

Listen to the constantly anti-American comments by people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Illhan Omar (not to mention Shan Wells!) and you’ll wonder if there is anything they like about the United States. You might also wonder exactly how diversity is turning out to be a benefit for the United States.

Our liberal news media has long since given up any pretense of brokering honest, objective news to the public and has instead become openly complicit with the anti-American Democratic Party. The number of journalists who have been exposed for secretly helping the Hillary Clinton campaign is staggering.

Oh, sure, not all Democrats are anti-American, but they quietly vote for and tolerate leaders who are openly anti-American, so the label applies until they begin to object to anti-American behavior.

Mike Sigman

