
Town wants control of Main Street

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:10 PM

Mancos officials want to take back Main Street. They have until July 1.

The Mancos board of trustees has a July 1 deadline to file a devolution application with the Colorado Department of Transportation. If approved, town officials would assume control over Main Street, including its future maintenance cost.

"In a devolution project, CDOT turns over control and maintenance to the town in exchange for a value of 20 years of maintenance costs," said town administrator Andrea Phillips.

Phillips said officials have already received pre-approval to move forward with the project. Town officials are expected to receive an update on the project tonight at their monthly meeting.

The devolution project would hand over maintenance of Main Street from the intersection of Highway 160 south to Grand Ave, Phillips said. State transportation officials would first make improvements to the roadway prior to transferring control to local officials, she added.

"For devolution on this section of Main Street, we are still trying to determine what improvements will be made before it is handed over," Phillips said.

Officials are hopeful Main Street devolution improvements would include such things as resurfacing and curb work.

Phillips said estimates on the town's projected maintenance costs of Main Street would be finalized once the devolution application is filed.

In related news, town officials are also seeking permission from CDOT to install a safe pedestrian crossing across Highway 160, Phillips said.

Held at Town Hall on Main Street, the Mancos board of trustees meeting starts at 7 p.m.
