
Do EEA candidates care about costs?

Monday, June 17, 2019 9:39 AM

On Friday, June 14, I attended the monthly Empire Electric Association board meeting.

In attendance were Eric Lindgren and Carolyn Dunmire, both candidates for the current board of director elections.

In his biography, Mr. Lindgren states, “I have the background to implement modern technologies that ... ensure clean, reliable and lower-cost energy resources in the future.”

One of the board members asked Mr. Lindgren how he planned to reduce energy costs. After fumbling for an answer, he stated he would increase the electricity purchased from renewable sources.

Mr. Lindgren was asked if he could cite where a co-op has been able to both purchase more power from renewable sources and reduce the cost.

Again, Mr. Lindgren struggled and finally mentioned another co-op in Colorado.

Board members familiar with the situation adamantly disagreed, stating that the co-op in question did switch to even more renewable sources, but at a substantial rate increase to the members.

At this point, another visitor, showing support for Mr. Lindgren and Ms. Dunmire, stated, “For some of us an increase in cost is not an issue.”

Mr. Lindgren and Ms. Dunmire did not object, and therefore I wonder if they were both in agreement with the statement.

Ms. Dunmire and Mr. Lindgren have campaigned together. I believe they represent a uniformity in ideas and purpose that strongly desire to transform the operation of EAA by purchasing most or all electricity from renewable sources, regardless of increasing the cost to members.

Joel Tryon

