
Thanks for resisting this ‘red flag’ law

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 9:13 AM

Montezuma County Sheriff Steve Nowlin is to be applauded for his principled stand for America’s fundamental rights of due process, prohibition against unreasonable and invasive searches of home, and the seizure of personal property with his firm commitment against Colorado’s recently passed law known as the “red flag” law.

This law, so named since it purportedly flags those persons who may possess a firearm, allows for firearm confiscation if such persons are deemed a threat to themselves and others.

The sheriff noted the spurious excuse for this law as a way of dealing with severe mental health and safety issues. Rather, it is a personal property (i.e., gun) confiscation issue.

If the law is truly about mental health, then why does it lack the necessary safeguard of psychiatrists or any other mental health professionals being involved? One is deemed to be a threat on the mere opinion of a person who may lack the appropriate training and objectivity to make such an important determination. The say-so of a rejected lover or bitter ex-spouse could set a train of events in motion leading to a ruined reputation, job loss, home invasion and property confiscation.

This law raises rumor, innuendo and impression to the level of fact. Approximately 30 Colorado sheriffs concerned with constitutional issues raised by this law refuse to enforce it. Apparently, these sheriffs take seriously their oath of office to uphold the liberties embodied in our constitutions that the Colorado Governor and legislators so easily disdain.

Art Requena

