
Raise taxes for children, county, country

Saturday, June 1, 2019 1:47 PM

I was glad to see that we will be able to vote for the children, teachers, county and country in November. I know there are a lot of anti-tax folks in the county, but I strongly believe paying taxes and seeing that it is wisely used is one of the most patriotic things we can do.

Our town, county and country depends on a well educated populace. You talk about national security; educating our children is as important to our national security as any new bombs or jets as it takes people to make all this work. You complain about the cycle of poverty and people on welfare; education can break that cycle. Our whole system and all our lives depend on educating our children well. Make them ready to enter a world economy and deal with the threats that are a danger to our country.

Education, like roads and bridges, costs money. We need to attract good teachers and administrators, we need to keep the good teachers we have. Making a wage that is hard if not impossible to live on, we cannot do this.

Kara Suckla said public perception needs to improve before we can ask for a property tax increase. I am 73 years old, my only child is in her 50s, living in Florida, so what do I get out of paying more property taxes? I get to help those dedicated teachers who know they will never get rich but love their work and the children. I get to make our community and the country I love better.

I have worked in the outdoor industry all my life so I am by far not rich. I get a small Social Security check and a small stipend from the VA for the Agent Orange that caused the cancer I deal with, when in Vietnam. I give to organizations I believe in and I gladly pay my taxes for the better good. I do not believe in the “I have mine, screw you” philosophy I see many folks my age have.

In November, please vote yes to increase our property taxes; do it for our children, our teachers and our country.

Larry Berger

