
Cortez Adult Ed celebrates GED graduates, new citizens

Saturday, June 1, 2019 7:06 PM
The Cortez Adult Education Center celebrated the accomplishments of its five GED graduates during a ceremony May 28. The four in attendance were: Audra Tunnell, Dereck Roderick, Sherry Martin and Katie Osborn.
The Cortez Adult Education Center graduation ceremony honored two students who recently obtained U.S. citizenship.
The Cortez Adult Education Center graduate Katie Osborn with her family.
The Cortez Adult Education Center graduate Audra Tunnell with her son.

The Cortez Adult Education Center held its first GED graduation ceremony last Tuesday.

The center celebrated the accomplishments of five GED graduates and two new U.S. citizens at the ceremony, which was held at the Osprey building along North Park Street.

The Cortez Adult Education Center is part of the Durango Adult Education Center and aims to increase access to higher wage careers and social and economic mobility through its post-secondary educational programming.
