
TEOTWAWKI? (The end of the world as we know it)

Thursday, May 16, 2013 11:01 PM

Obama lied – four Americans died; and many more were injured! Our consulate was denied protection by the Obama administration at a known dangerous post. A rescue force about to board transport planes was told to “stand down”! The survivors of the Islamic terrorist attack in Benghazi have been hidden from the press and sworn to secrecy. The stone wall built by the Obama crew has been taken apart by Congress and even the sycophant press has been forced to take notice of these lies. And all this done just so Obama wouldn’t be revealed as the liar he is.

Is that too strong for Obamatrons? Probably. But then Obamatrons don’t want to know what is being done to our American standard of truth and justice. Let’s look at a few of the events that are only now, in his second term, being examined.

The IRS harassed organizations that have “Tea Party,” “9-12,” “Constitutional,” “Christian” or “Patriots” in their titles. They are sent questionnaires requesting extensive personal and donor information. They also harassed conservative evangelical and Jewish groups. Our lord and master put evangelicals and veterans on terrorist watch lists but completely missing the Tsarnaev brothers? Let’s not overlook the billions of dollars to Brazil to fund oil exploitation. Brazil’s partner in the Gulf is China! This is done while the EPA blocks oil production throughout the United States and the Gulf. We will continue to pay exorbitant prices for our gas, which we buy from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Russia, all staunch friends of America. Then there are the states that have decided to reinstate state militias. Why would they take this step? One very big reason is the federalizing of the National Guard. The Guard was the states’ militias until the feds took the power to activate away. The Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled billions of rounds of ammunition, 7,000 assault rifles and ordered thousands of armored vehicles for use in our cities. Obviously this ordnance is to protect us after our weapons have been confiscated. Of course, these steps may be necessary to maintain order once the economic collapse hits.

Economic collapse — yikes!

But then again we may be okay; after all, the thousands of weapons given to the Mexican drug cartels are just south of the border. No, let me restate that: The border states say the cartels have moved north and are now operating big time in the USA.

These are just a few of the more egregious missteps taken by our Keystone Kops administration. While the original Keystoners were inept,, our KKs are far worse. How stupid must one be to not see the inevitable result of overspending and borrowing money you can’t ever repay? Even a blind man with a cane can see the warning signs. Fifty percent of the USA and now Puerto Rico is on food stamps and some form of welfare. The percentage working is about 60 percent of the workforce. We borrow 48 cents of every dollar spent. Inflation, promulgated by printing fiat money, has begun to erode our dollar. The dollar, once the world’s reserve currency, is being replaced by the Chinese yuan, all due to our messiah’s so-called economic policy.

So what will happen during an economic collapse? TEOTWAWKI!

Fifty percent of the populace will no longer have the means to buy food. Hyperinflation begins and those of us with cash reserves will need a wheelbarrow of dollars to buy food for the day. The wheelbarrow will be necessary because trucking will eventually come to a halt and food, gas and other necessities won’t be available.

Remember my three-day window? City Market, Safeway and Wally World will be emptied in three days.

In a nod to my critics this is not a zombie scenario, this is reality. So please prove me wrong!

Larry Tradlener lives down McElmo Canyon.
