
Mancos Trails Group to host hike

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 11:23 AM
Mancos Trails Group will host a hike to the proposed Bureau of Land Management’s 11.7 mile Aqueduct Trail System.

The Journal

Mancos Trails Group will host a hike to the proposed Bureau of Land Management’s 11.7 mile Aqueduct Trail System from 9:30 to 12:30 p.m. May 18, starting at Road 39, Mancos.

The hike will be led by MTG Chair, Robert Meyer, and will be a 3- to 4- mile hike to gain an overlook of the proposed Bureau of Land Management’s 11.7 mile Aqueduct Trail System. It is located just 1 mile northwest of Mancos.

Meet at the proposed parking lot on Road 39 at 10:30 a.m. See the map online and look for the MTG banner. Be prepared and wear proper shoes and clothes. Bring your own snacks, lunch, sunscreen, sunglasses, and several liters of water.

After the hike, the group will meet at the Mancos Brewery from 3 to 9 p.m. for MTG’s fundraiser with a beer and food pairing menu. Music will be provided by Pete Giuliani Band and Andrew Schumann. A $10 donation is requested at the door.

For more information, visit
