
Polis recognizes Decision Day

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 11:50 AM

The Journal

Governor Jared Polis issued a proclamation announcing Wednesday as Decision Day. Formerly known as College Friday, the statewide campaign celebrates the importance of higher education and encourages Colorado students to reach higher — whether they attend a university, community college, private occupational school, serve as an apprentice or in the military

On Decision Day, Coloradans are encouraged to wear apparel from their alma mater, favorite school, or future program to rally in support of students on their path to postsecondary success. To participate online, supporters can post photos on Twitter and Facebook tagging @CoHigherEd and @CollegeInCO with #DecisionDayCO.

Today, nearly 75 percent of jobs in Colorado require some form of postsecondary education, making Colorado’s demand for college-educated adults among the highest in the nation. Research from the Colorado Workforce Development Council shows that 97 percent of Colorado high growth, in-demand jobs that pay a living wage require education or training beyond high school. Today, only 56.9 percent of Coloradans hold a credential post-high school.

Decision Day encourages participation statewide from schools, businesses, alumni groups, and organizations.

For more information, visit
