
Grand Canyon Trust to host volunteer trip

Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:18 AM
Volunteer trip hosted by Grand Canyon Trust

The Journal

The Grand Canyon Trust and the Great Old Broads for Wilderness are inviting people on field trips to document the differences between grazed and ungrazed landscapes May 31 through June 2, starting at the Canyon of the Ancients Visitor Center in Cortez.

The Bureau of Land Management authorizes grazing on 7.8 million acres of public lands in Colorado. Impacts from grazing can be seen on nearly every habitat.

The Grand Canyon Trust is undertaking a three-year project called “Where Cows Don’t Graze” to map all areas officially closed to livestock grazing throughout the Colorado Plateau. The group also is mapping all science studies that have compared conditions inside and outside areas closed to grazing.

In the coming two years, field contributors will visit as many areas closed to livestock grazing as possible. Field contributors will photograph conditions inside and outside of the closed area, and provide a basic report on its features.

For more information or to sign up, visit
