
We have too many lefties here as it is

Friday, March 29, 2019 8:58 AM

The county commissioners were right on declaring the county a gun sanctuary but unfortunately it won’t matter due to the far left governor and state Legislature controlled by Democrats!

In response to people saying a gun sanctuary sends the wrong message to all the new businesses and families moving here, that’s fine because we do not need more people moving here who do not believe in our right to own guns, because we already have too many lefties living here now.

To the Durango liberal and her husband who supposedly have guns and hunted for 50 years: You are traitors to gun rights. Keeping firearms in the home does not triple the chance of someone being killed, but instead it protects the homeowners and legal citizens from crime.

If someone wants to commit suicide, they have numerous other ways to accomplish the task.

I totally agree with Ray Montoya, as I am also a veteran and served our country to help protect the U.S. and our Second Amendment rights, and we will all help you leftists with a one-way ticket back to California, Illinois or elsewhere!

The liberal left and media will never be satisfied, as the “red flag” law is just another step to outlaw all firearms from law-abiding Americans, as in Australia and elsewhere.

When the search and seizure confiscation comes, we will then be considered enemies of the state.

Marvin Hermanns

