
Experienced volunteer named Dolores Citizen of Year

Monday, April 1, 2019 2:20 PM
Susan Lisak was named 2018 Citizen of the Year for Dolores.

When there is an event in Dolores, there is a good chance volunteer Susan Lisak helped put it together.

The energetic organizer was recognized Saturday as 2018 Citizen of the Year by the Dolores Chamber of Commerce during the annual Spring Banquet.

Since moving to town in 2014, “Susan has had a big impact on our town,” said Lainey Beyhan, Dolores Chamber member. “She is super-active and has filled a void with her volunteer efforts.”

Whether it’s helping with the local mountain bike race and mountain film festival, or managing nonprofit websites and Rotary bingo games, Lisak is there to make it all go smoothly.

“People who volunteer are much more happy, and it makes me happy,” she says.

Lisak is the webmaster and public relations director for the Rotary Club of Dolores and will take over as club president in July.

In addition, she serves on the Dolores Community Center board, is the webmaster and volunteer coordinator for Greater Dolores Action and is an ambassador for the Cortez and Dolores Chambers of Commerce.

Lisak brings experience from a long career in the hospitality and marketing industry in a bigger city.

“When I moved to Dolores, it was part of my plan to get out of the corporate race and get more involved in the community,” Lisak said. “This town has been very receptive, and I hope to work with everybody to keep Dolores a great place.”

Lisak’s upbeat attitude was evident during a speech she gave to Rotarians at a recent convention in Denver.

“For those who feel they might not be ready to take something on, remember you are so much stronger than you think,” she told of crowd of 500. “In approaching any challenge, you can be your greatest obstacle or your greatest tool.”

Lisak also runs her own business, Senna Social Media.
