
Mancos board approves Town Hall roof replacement

Friday, March 29, 2019 5:19 PM
The Mancos Town Board approved a bid to replace the Town Hall roof, which has been leaking since 2015. Staff were initially planning to push the repairs to 2020, but this year’s rough winter made the repairs more urgent.
Mancos Mayor Queenie Barz signs in new deputy marshal Brad Ray at the March 27 board meeting.

The Mancos Town Board unanimously approved two contracts for maintenance-related issues Wednesday night.

One of the approved contracts was for the Town Hall roof replacement, and the other was for backflow prevention throughout town.

“We just need to go ahead and get this done,” Mayor Queenie Barz said of the roof replacement work, which was previously brought up at the Feb. 13 meeting.

The Town Hall roof has been leaking since 2015, according to Town Administrator Heather Alvarez. While town staff had hoped to include the roof replacement in the 2020 budget request, this year’s especially rough winter weather inflicted additional leaking, making the reparations more pressing.

“We don’t want to incur additional damage, mold issues or repair costs by waiting until 2020,” Alvarez wrote in a staff report.

The town only received one bid: from Top Line Installers, the company that originally installed the roof back in 2002. The total Top Line quote came out to $66,491, which includes $10,560 for additional roofing insulation.

The cost will be split between three town funds.

The other contract approved by the board was with Altitude Backflow Services LLC, to complete the backflow prevention program requirements for May 1, 2019.

“Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment requires all public water providers to survey every customer for cross contamination of public drinking water systems,” wrote public works director Terry Jennings in a staff report.

Previously, Mancos had a staff member authorized to complete the survey, but that person left last year, Jennings said. In the future, the town plans on having a staff member trained and certified for the service, but this year the job will be done by Altitude Backflow Services.

The total cost comes out to $1,550 for testing town-owned equipment, and $1,595 for customer inspections along with certification reporting requirements.

Other newsAlso at the Wednesday night meeting, Brad Ray was sworn in as a new Mancos deputy marshal.Prior to joining the Mancos Marshal’s Office, Ray worked as a deputy in the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office.

One deputy marshal position is still open, according to Marshal Justen Goodall.

The board proclaimed March to be developmental disabilities awareness
