
Cartoon about Venezuela was unethical

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 8:48 AM

The cartoon in Friday’s paper (March 15) would be something I would expect from the Trump administration.

To compare the problems that Venezuela is having to socialism is to try and strike fear in those who have no clue what socialism is.

The problems in Venezuela are because of a strongman dictator, greed and corruption. Most of our allies are a socialist and capitalist form of government and are working well. Our close friend Israel is a socialist and capitalist government. The countries that work the best and have the best standard of living are countries that have a mixed government of both socialism and capitalism. Countries that only have one form of government like North Korea are failing.

When I hear local folks say they don’t want socialism in this country, I have to laugh. We already have socialism in this country. What do you think bank deposit insurance, farm price supports, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the police department, the fire department, public lands, the road department, and the post office are but socialism?

When you publish someone’s cartoons, please use honesty and ethics and not fear.

Larry Berger

