
Gun-control supporters are hypocrites

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 8:48 AM

In recent weeks there have been a number of letters to the editor criticizing our county commissioners for declaring Montezuma County a gun sanctuary county. The writers of those letters have every right to do so, as backed up by the Bill of Rights (that of free speech), as is the right to bear arms also guaranteed.

I understand the reasoning behind House Bill 1177 (red flag) and the idea has merit. However it is just one more gun control law and passing it will not stop humans from killing humans. Cain did not kill his brother Able with a gun. Nor have Chicago’s gun control laws, among the strongest in the country, stopped the killings in that city.

One of those letters stated “Sadly, the United States has done more research on the safety of child carrier seats than on the painfully obvious health hazards of gun control.” If health hazards are of such great concern, why not lobby for mandatory prison sentences for DUI convictions? If one checks research on deaths caused by drunk drivers, that should truly cause concern, not to mention the murder of innocent babies by abortion, which far surpasses those killed by guns. Then I suppose people who show such concern over gun control have little or no time for concern about such unimportant topics as those killed on our highways or murdered while still in the womb.

Remember, guns don’t kill people; people kill people. If not with a gun then with a knife, rock, club, etc.

I feel safer with a gun for protection and that is why I own one. Thank you county commissioners for helping me to do so.

Tom Butler

