
Red-flag bill protects lives, due process

Friday, March 15, 2019 4:00 PM

The county commissioners have not done their research or heeded legal counsel. According to the Journal, County Attorney John Baxter advised that a resolution declaring Montezuma County a “gun sanctuary” places our county at risk for litigation. This resolution pits law enforcement against the Constitution and the will of the commissioners. And, it places Montezuma residents at risk.

What if law enforcement has knowledge that a person is a danger and chooses not to pursue a protection order to remove firearms and a tragedy occurs? What if there is a threat made directly against law enforcement officers?

What if there were a tragedy involving a gun and the family tried to pursue a protection order, but law enforcement didn’t follow through under this resolution? What would the county expense and liability be? What action would be taken against persons not upholding the Constitution?

There is a lot of emotional support for this resolution, but the county commissioners have not demonstrated that they understand the risks and liabilities involved.

Research has shown that Extreme Risk Protection Order laws are effective at saving lives, and through the exhaustive legislative process state legislatures have been diligent in ensuring that our Second Amendment rights and due process are protected under HB 1177.

The Montezuma County chapter of MOMS Demand Action for Gun Sense in America supports Second Amendment rights. HB 1177 is a common sense gun law that protects Second Amendment rights and keeps everyone safe.

Cayce Hamerschlag

