
Useless, fear-mongering commissioners

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 10:10 AM

Fear is secure in Montezuma County and it is being led by our county commissioners.

Apparently they have nothing important to do as our elected officials so they have made up their gun sanctuary nonsense.

They actually spent two sessions hearing comments from citizens about the need to have a gun sanctuary in Montezuma County.

Gosh, oh gee, I am so glad they have protected my guns.

I kinda thought my guns were protected by the Second Amendment already, but they must be smarter than this ordinary citizen.

While you guys are at it, how about making Montezuma County a sanctuary for survivors of domestic violence?

How about making our county a sanctuary for our children so they can attend school without fear of a gunman murdering them? Or maybe, like San Diego County’s commissioners, they could declare Montezuma County a safe sanctuary for immigrants?

Or maybe we could be sanctuary for our environment or our agricultural needs?

Nope, not our county commissioners, they just want to promote fear.

I say, shame on you and how sad to know we pay you to come up with this.

Carol Bylsma

