
Reporter needs to be informed

Monday, April 8, 2013 11:46 PM


Three adjectives were used in the headlines and first sentences of articles about "sales tax" on March 19. The reporter used the words "good," "fair" and "rousing" in attempting to inform the readers about sales tax. Does he have access to a dictionary from which he can learn that those three words contradict each other? Those words have distinct meanings and are incorrectly used.

He also wrote: "large chunk" of federal funding, "mostly being funded by the Colorado Department of Transportation. Then he wrote, "city pays 20 percent of cost," "with 80 percent coming from federal funds." What was printed would have the Colorado Department of Transportation furnishing most (at least 51 percent) of the funds, the city of Cortez paying 20 percent, and 80 percent coming from federal sources. That totals at least 151 percent.

Correct math shows me that the funds as itemized will leave at least 51 percent of the total allotment left over for other causes. If not used for other causes, does it just create a surplus in the treasurey?

Please explain his method of mathematics and accounting. Also define the three words as noted in the first paragraph of this correspondence. The reporter needs to be informed and also shown how to put a dictionary to good use.

This last week two individuals asked me to give them the reason for "Notes and Quotes" not being published.

K.F. Richardson


Editor's note: The March 21 story to which Richardson apparently is referring, about the Seventh Street sidewalk project, states that the city is responsible for 20 percent of the cost with the remainder paid for by federal funds administered through the Colorado Department of Transportation.
