
County acts like world doesn’t exist

Friday, March 8, 2019 2:47 PM

The County Commission’s declaration of a “gun sanctuary” in response to Colorado’s pending “red flag” law is divisive and counterproductive.

Law enforcement and the courts will decide whether to apply the law to remove guns in life-threatening situations, not the commissioners.

Declaring our county a gun sanctuary sends a strong message to those businesses and families thinking of moving here – either accept our ideology or go somewhere else.

For all the talk of job creation and economic growth, the commissioners are once again acting as if the world beyond the county line does not exist. It would be far more beneficial if the commissioners would act in the economic interest of residents rather than taking ideological positions likely to scare people away.

Our diverse community, surrounded by bountiful land, makes Montezuma County a special place. Regardless of our political or social orientation, we should work together to make everyone welcome. When business owners and families look to relocate, they want safe schools and welcoming neighbors.

We need new families, full of energy, to move our community forward. We need new doctors, teachers and professionals so lacking in our community.

The commissioners should consider how their actions affect our businesses, health care, schools, tourism, construction and real estate. As individuals, each of us is entitled to our beliefs. But when elected officials govern based on personal ideology rather than a shared community vision for the future, we all lose.

Peter Robinson

