
Empire Electric Association director nominating petitions due by May 6

Wednesday, April 3, 2013 11:27 PM

Two seats on the Empire Electric Association board of directors are open for election this year. Those seats are District 1 (Jerry Fetterman, incumbent) and District 2 (Sue McWilliams) incumbent. Individuals interested in serving are required by Empire's bylaws to meet the following qualifications:

The director shall:

Be a member of the cooperative.

Be a bona fide resident of the district represented.

Be a citizen of the United States of America.

Be at least eighteen (18) years of age.

Not be an employee of the cooperative.

District 1 is "generally the northwestern portion of the system including Monticello, Eastland, Egnar and Dove Creek. The eastern boundary is generally the section lines along which Montezuma County Road 18 runs north to Highway 491, then along Highway 491 north to the to the intersection of Highway 491 and the section lines approximately .5 mile south of Dolores County Road J, then east along these section lines to the Dolores River, then north along the Dolores River. The northern and western boundary is the northern and western boundary of the service area of Empire Electric. The southern boundary is section lines between Montezuma County Roads P and S and extending west along that approximate line into Utah to the western service area boundary of Empire Electric."

District 2 is "generally the north central area of the system. The eastern boundary is generally the section lines followed by Montezuma County Road 29. The northern boundary is the northern boundary of the service area of Empire Electric to where it meets the Dolores River, then west approximately along the section lines located approximately .5 mile south of Dolores County Road J to Highway 491. The western boundary is Highway 491 south to the intersection of Montezuma County Road 18 and then south along the section lines along which Road 18 runs. The southern boundary is the section lines between Montezuma County Roads P and S east to County Road 21, south to County Road P, east to State Highway 145, south to County Road M, and then east to County Road 29."

Anyone who is interested in running for the board but is unsure of his or her district should call (970) 565-4444 or stop by Empire's headquarters at 801 North Broadway in Cortez and speak to Neal Stephens or Denise Rosenbaugh to confirm residence in District 1 or 2 compliance with the minimum qualifications. Official nominating forms also can be picked up at Empire.

Nominations for all candidates are by petition-only and must include the signature of at least 15 members of the cooperative whose bona fide residence resides within the nominating district. Qualifying candidates must file the official nominating petition with the cooperative's Secretary at 801 North Broadway, Cortez, Colorado within a 45 day window beginning March 22, 2013 and ending May 6, 2013. The Secretary will post a list of qualifying nominees on May 6, 2013.

Empire Electric Association's annual meeting will be held on Thursday, June 20, at the Calvin Denton Room at the Empire office. Registration will begin at 4:30 p.m. with the business meeting beginning at 5:30. This will be a business meeting only, those who attend will get a $10 credit off of their electric bill. If it becomes apparent that a large number of members will attend, the location may change and the public will be notified of the change.

Each member of the cooperative is entitled to vote on all issues properly brought before the membership including the election of directors. Mail voting shall be in writing on ballots provided by the cooperative and shall be received by 6 p.m. June 15. Members who vote by mail are not entitled to vote at the annual meeting.

To assure that their votes count, members are strongly encouraged to cast a mail ballot regardless of whether or not they might attend the annual meeting.

For more information, contact Stephens or Rosenbaugh.
