
Mancos Balloon Fest raises $7,000 for charity

Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 3:39 PM

By Mac Neely

Bobbi Black announced from her wheelchair (no, not a balloon accident; she’s recovering from much-needed surgery on her ankle) that the Mancos Balloon and Art Festival was a success this year. The total amount raised was a grand $7,000, which will be shared by Medicine Horse and Operation Second Chance – disabled soldiers who helped raise the balloons.

The most exciting day was the Education Adventure inflation at the school leading to lots of screaming, excited children and helped by the horse and buggy; art world for the kids (assisted by Kelly Chilcott) and, of course, the big red apple balloon on hand each day.

Bobbi said that the only way this was a success was with the support of the sponsors, those who provided dinner, those who operated the flights, and everyone who attended. Thank you all!

What’s going onThe second annual turkey shoot will be presented by the Mancos Valley Historical Society on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 9:30am at the Simmons Gravel Pit on U.S. Highway 160 about 2½ miles west of the Mancos stoplight.

Only bring a 12-gauge shotgun. Ammunition will be furnished by the Historical Society and a concession stand will provide hot coffee and an array of goodies. Contestants will fire nine shots and the closest to the target will win a turkey from the P&D Grocery.

Halloween was Trick or Treat at the Mancos Valley Inn. The residents had been anticipating the event for weeks all the while watching the decorations and skeletons take shape. Over 200 children and their parents visited and enjoyed the treats that the residents handed out.

Until next time, boo!
