
Commissioners, get with septic program

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019 5:03 PM

Thanks to Jim Mimiaga for his accurate, thorough description of the Feb. 5 Montezuma County Board of Commissioners meeting addressing the state transfer of title (“County reconsiders new septic regulations,” Feb. 6).

This program “requires an inspection and possible repair or replacement of faulty septic systems when the property is sold.” The commissioners unanimously opted into this program in April of 2018, however, Commissioner Sukla later rescinded his approval. Melissa Mathews, environmental programs specialist for the Health Department, and her staff did an excellent job of presenting the guidelines implemented Jan. 1.

Both Ms. Mathews and Ken Aiken, physician director for the county Health Department, emphasized the role of the county government to insure water quality and the desire to implement an effective program.

Commissioner Sukla voiced criticism and proposed the commissioners overturn their previous ruling. However, the only option at this point was to place a moratorium on implementing the regulation. They approved a six-month moratorium. Of those present in the audience, there was little opposition, only clarifying questions.

This regulation is a sound one.

Commissioner Sukla said he “believes the regulation is government overreach and adds burdensome costs to private landowners.” Clearly, the commissioners should ensure safe systems so that wastewater is not polluting our environment or endangering the health of county residents.

I urge the commissioners to rethink their decision to delay implementation of this regulation. Proceed with the program immediately!

Jane C. Anderson

