
40 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, March 23, 1973 Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Thursday, March 21, 2013 8:32 PM

Announcement was made this week for substantial improvements to the business area of Dolores by Roger Anderson who is working on an overall plan which he previewed to the Dolores Rotary Club Tuesday evening. Anderson himself will remodel the old Star building on Fourth Street beginning at once for an opening in the early summer. The new business will feature a gallery of Western Art and will also include a leather shop owned and operated by Henry Sudduth in the same location. The two men have extensive plans for making the new business the hub of expanded wholesale and retail activity in these fields and also plan to publish a directory of Western artists and their works.


At the last meeting of the Sunflower Grower Committee, seve knowledgeable people were present to present information in the committee. They were Mr. Burdette Barnhill of Pacific Grain Co., who discussed all phases of sunflowers including, marketing contracts as questions were asked by the committee. NO major problems from disease or insects are expected in this area.


County commissioners at their Monday meeting accepted the $400 bid of the Town of Dolores for lots 12-13-14 in Block 2 of Tract C in Dolores. The bid was accepted in the public interest for Dolores sewer construction. The property is located in the southwest part of town.


Mrs. Greta McQuail entertained her bridge club last Friday with regular members, Callie Lofquist, Rowena Porter, Margaret Nielson and Lenore Lee, guests were Mildred Denby, Lee Stephens and Emmy Froede. Greta won high, Emmy 2nd high and Rowena bingo.


A week ago Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. George Green and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ripley enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cattles.


Mr. and Mrs. Ayrol Brumley and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Findley and Brenda enjoyed the weekend in Albuquerque.


Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carrigan spent Sunday in Farmington.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lockwood have recently moved to Texas where he has accepted employment with a computer firm.


Robbie Carrigan was an overnight guest of Andy Pleasant in Cortez on Friday.


Henry Clark was admitted to Southwest Memorial Hospital on Monday of this week. He is improving at this time according to reports from his family but will remain a patient there for a while yet.


Mrs. Robert Miller attended the Cowbelle meeting in Mancos on Tuesday.


Enjoying dinner at the Ponderosa Restaurant on Sunday were Ambie Hoeschen of Cortez, Margaret Wedell, Ethel Pritchett, Florence Caldwell, Edna McRae and Mary Jane McRae.


Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ball returned home last week after spending the winter months in Yuma enjoying the sunshine.


Mr. and Mrs. Pat McCarty and family recently moved to Prescott, Arizona. Pat is employed by the telephone company and had received a transfer.


Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill this past week were her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Faris from Mt. Ayr, Iowa. They also visited with another sister, Mary Ellen McComb in Cortez while here.


Mr. and Mrs. Roy Applegate are planning to move into a house on 7th Street within the next few days.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland and family and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ragland spent the spring vacation in Arkansas visiting with relatives.


Mrs. Earl Carver, Mrs. Ronald Orr and Mrs. Frank Gonzales enjoyed all day Tuesday shopping in Farmington. They reported beautiful weather down there.

