
Deadlines for Empire Electric scholarships coming up

Friday, Feb. 1, 2019 2:47 PM

Empire Electric Association, Inc. is offering a series of scholarships for its members and dependents of members, and the deadline to apply for most of them is coming up on Feb. 15.

The scholarships are available to students and adults. For more information and to download an application, visit

Student ScholarshipsThe association will hand out eight scholarships to Montezuma-Cortez High School students, and four scholarships each to students attending Dolores, Dove Creek, Mancos and Monticello high schools.

Scholarships will be in the amount of $1,000, to be used for tuition at accredited, two-year community colleges or for four-year college/university programs. Students must be a dependent of an Empire Electric member and must use the scholarship within a year of graduation.

Lineman scholarshipEmpire Electric will award one $1,000 scholarship to those interested in pursuing a vocational/technical certificate as a lineman. Applicants must be a dependent of an association member, and must use the money within the next school year.

Trade scholarshipsThe association will distribute one $500 scholarship to a dependent looking to achieve a vocational/technical certificate in an electrical related trade. Funds must be used within the next school year.

Basin Electric Power Cooperative scholarshipOne $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student applicant from the Empire Electric service territory: to students attending Montezuma-Cortez, Dolores, Dove Creek, Mancos or Monticello high schools.

All those who fill out the scholarship application will automatically be considered for the Basin Scholarship, which is awarded to the student with the highest GPA and ACT scores.

Adult scholarshipEmpire Electric will give out six scholarships to adults returning to school. Applicants must be a member, spouse of a member, or an adult dependent over the age of 18.

Continuing education scholarshipsThe association will hand out 15 continuing education scholarships for those who have previously received an Empire scholarship.

Students cannot have had a lapse in their education, and be continuing on with their post-high school education.

The deadline for these last applications is June 17.
