
Sincerity vs. hypocrisy

Friday, March 1, 2013 11:49 PM

Eagerness to do what is right with transparent motives.

No one can see what the motives are inside your heart. The only way others can understand why you do what you do is by hearing your words and observing your actions. Sincerity is being concerned that my words and actions give an honest representation of what I believe and why I live as I do. Sincerity is proving your words by following through with your actions.

Mechanization introduced a new way of efficiency to nineteenth-century manufacturing. However as much as 25 percent of potential factory profits were lost due to relubrication downtime, because machines frequently had to be shut down for regreasing. This limitation hampered the railroad business as well. Most trains had to stop every 20-35 miles while critical parts were relubricated by hand. But that was going to change, thanks to Elijah McCoy.

After studying in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he earned the title "master mechanic and engineer," McCoy returned to Michigan. He could not obtain work in his field of expertise but he did find work as a railway fireman. He shoveled fuel into the furnace, stoked the boiler, and lubricated the steam cylinders and sliding parts of the train.

For two years, McCoy applied himself to developing a solution to the lubrication problem and in 1872 he introduced his lubricating cup to the world, promising it would "do away with the need of shutting down the machines periodically." Railroad companies and factories across the country caught onto the idea of automatic lubricators. Numerous competitors jumped into the market and began manufacturing similar lubricators.

But Elijah McCoy had not cut corners. He designed a product that was top quality and would live up to his promises. Within ten years, his device was so successful that machinists began to insist on having "the real McCoy," rather than look-alike lubricators. Thus, McCoy's name became synonymous with quality and sincerity. Sincerity is putting the same quality inside as is represented outside, and only representing what can be backed up in fact.

At home explain to your children that sincerity is consistently treating others as you believe you should be treated and not treating others as you do not want to be treated.

Brought to you by the Four Corners Character Council. Character First definitions and information used by permission,
