
This Trump show is just like a bad soap

Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019 1:02 PM

What if everyone thought as highly about themselves as President Trump does? What would this world look like?

Maybe we should impeach him and make him king? Trump would certainty find this title fitting for himself.

OK, seriously. Between two terrible and unpopular presidential candidates one had to win. Does that mean we should settle for this current behavior?

Interesting that “fake news” was never an issue for past presidents, Republican and Democrat alike. Play the victim much?

The world is way more complex than Trump would like us to believe. Build a wall? 45 must have forgot about planes, ladders, tunnels.

Want to really stop illegal immigration? Stop buying illegal drugs that are destabilizing Latin America. The U.S. appetite for drugs fuels problems all the way from South America into the U.S.

We are a huge part of the problem. Own it America.

I hope there is a return to civil debate in the USA soon but I’m afraid it’s going to get worse before it gets any better. Until then, I’ll be on the edge of my seat watching the latest Trump fiasco like a bad soap opera!

Alek Herrick

