
Mancos sets townwide 20 mph speed limit

Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2018 3:32 PM
Sean Dolan/The Journal

Town-wide speed limit signs of 20 mph went into effect on Nov. 15 in Mancos. The signs are posted on the outskirts of town.
Sean Dolan/The Journal

Town-wide speed limit signs of 20 mph went into effect on Nov. 15 in Mancos. The signs are posted on the outskirts of town.

With the exception of Grand Avenue and Main Street, all roads in Mancos now have a set speed limit of 20 mph.

Mancos Town Administrator Heather Alvarez said a standard speed limit on all town-owned roads is the final step in a street recommendation report produced by Durango engineering firm SGM in May 2017.

The report recommended removing or adding some stop signs in town, at a cost of $1,625, and implementing a townwide speed limit of 20 mph, at an estimated cost of $7,000. The changes are intended to reduce wear and tear on town roads and improve traffic flow.

Alvarez said the new speed limit went into effect Nov. 15. Before that, speed limits on town roads ranged between 15 mph and 45 mph. Alvarez said she hasn’t heard much feedback about the change, but most people seem pleased with the new speed limit, as Mancos is primarily a residential town.

“We did have a couple of places in town where there was excessive speeding and I’m hoping – I haven’t heard anything, I may be the last one to hear – but I haven’t heard anything negative about it,” Alvarez said. “Most people are appreciative of it.”
