
80 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Feb. 17, 1933 Fred Bradshaw, Editor

Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013 11:06 PM

F. E. Raymer, of Phoenix, Ariz., has been making frequent trips into the Dolores section, hauling out seed potatoes for use in his section of the country. He has made three or four trips here recently with his big truck and usually takes out about a hundred sacks at a load. He loaded out here the first of the week, taking a large quantity of spuds grown by Pat White, of Granath Mesa, which Mr. Raymer pronounced as fine as any Bliss Triumphs he had ever seen.


An announcement was made this week of the marriage of Miss Lyda Waldron and Omar Kermode, of Cortez, which took place at Santa Ana, Calif., last June 7. The young couple have been keeping their marriage a secret until this time. The bride is a former Dolores girl and daughter of County Clerk Mabel C. Waldron and has many friends throughout the county. She is employed as teacher in the McPhee school.


A new restaurant will be opened Saturday in the Del Rio according to a statement made this week by E. Boehm, who is to have the management of the establishment. The new eating house will be in connection with the Del Rio hotel. He plans to serve only corn-fed meats and he will make it his aim to see that everyone gets all he wants to eat. A turkey dinner, at 50 cents a plate, will be served Saturday at noon and until Sunday night.


Mr. and Mrs. N. M. MeGee, of Lewis, were in Dolores Tuesday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. Coulter were up from McPhee Wednesday doing some shopping.


Ralph Dunhan was over from his home at Mancos and spent Sunday night with home folks.


Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss Clark are the parents of a baby girl born last Friday at their home in Dolores.


Kenneth Tucker, accompanied by Clayton Hosea, left Sunday with a truck load of potatoes for the Denver markets.


Reports this week are that George Barney, of Granath Mesa, is much improved in health and is planning his ranch work for spring.


Mrs. Vance Bradfield, who has been confined to the house for two weeks with a severe cold, is out again and says she is feeling fine.


Mesdames C. W. Lilly and T. H. Akin and Wm. McCormick made a trip to Durango Tuesday going over in the Lilly car. They returned home that evening.


Mr. and Mrs. George Wedell came in last Tuesday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Roelfs, who were celebrating their 4th wedding anniversary that day.


Mr. and Mrs. Geroge Taylor celebrated the 12th anniversary of their marriage Monday evening by inviting their family and a few friends in for a fine dinner.


Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Owens were guests Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes Bozman at the benefit bridge party given by the American Legion Auxiliary in Cortez.


Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hammond and family moved this week from the place on Summit Ridge to the ranch above town which has just recently been vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boehm.

