
The hospital must be more accountable

Monday, Nov. 26, 2018 11:25 AM

“Our hospital” for our county and our citizens, Southwest Memorial Hospital: My question is, what are the hospital directors doing?

First we need $30 million for a huge remodel that after 2.5 years is still not done, and now you tell us only $9.2 million more for replacement, repair and upgrades.

Does the board really think money grows on trees?

You should have done your homework and done the repairs first, like homeowners do.

A hospital can run without moving rooms around but it cannot run if the boiler breaks down.

We in this area are at your mercy because the nearest other hospital is 60 miles away.

The directors are getting paid by you and me, citizens using our tax dollars, and yet they work like fifth-graders squandering and misleading all of us.

Where is the transparency and where are the state regulators?

We are being blind-sided by people we trusted and if we don’t have authorities step in at a high level now, we will surly have our money and hospital go down the drain.

Hilde Norton

