
Motorcycle lobby is trashing our trails

Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018 11:45 AM

It was disappointing and frustrating to read the Sept. 7 Final Trail-Use Plan decision by the Forest Service-Dolores Rico District.

It’s apparent that the public input of open forums, letters and photos of trail damage, submitted by me and others to the district ranger eight or so years ago did not persuade them and instead they capitulated to the motorcycle lobby of the Timberline & San Juan Trail Riders and their cohorts, the county commissioners.

I have lived here for 40 years and worked for the Forest Service my last four years here on the Dolores District in the late ’70s and early ’80s and I have seen a large increase in motorcycle traffic on the trails for the past 25 years.

I myself and others have seen the trail damage by motorcyclists on Calico South, Priest Gulch, Ryman Creek and Gold Run. The problems many of us have with road and trail motorcyclists are as follows:

Erosion and degradation: dual rutting, side sloping, short cuts, muddy areas (springs), i.e., Priest Gulch, Calico South, Ryman, Bear Creek, etc.

Environmental: trashed cycle parts left on trails, i.e., Calico South.

Safety: excessive and reckless speeds on trails. Our Scout troop had to quickly jump off of the trail or risk being run over on Priest Gulch.

Respect: no respect or courtesy for hikers, hunters or backpackers on trails. No consideration on slowing down or stopping and no consideration for wildlife.

Marvin Hermanns

