
Glyphosate is sprayed poison in Mancos

Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018 5:30 PM

I would like to share my viewpoint regarding the Mancos Town Board condoning and spraying toxic herbicide in Boyle Park.

Those against this action should be commended and respected for their intelligence and concern on this important and adverse health-affecting matter.

Perhaps Mayor Queenie Barz and board members were and perhaps still are not aware of an award of nearly $300,000,000 to a maintenance worker who sought a damage award from a California court.

The court date was rushed due to his death, deemed imminent. He sprayed Round-up (active ingredient glyphosate, a Monsanto product) on school grounds.

I found information stating “2, 4 D [glyphosate] is the most dangerous pesticide ever heard of.” This could also be due to its worldwide spreading use. The adverse effects eventually appear much later.

Agent Orange was exposed as the carcinogenic poison it was, reluctantly by our government, decades after use in the ’60s and ’70s during the Vietnam war.

Meanwhile, Monsanto, Dow and other chemical producers and adamant protectors of their poisonous products profit in a big way. I personally believe they are aware but bury the truth as deep as they are able.

The cost versus health issue in our park is disconcerting.

As Terry Jennings, Mancos park manager, stated, “Organic treatment costs six times more.”

This battle ended with our children, pets and others being the innocent losers. I am in disbelief that some other expense could not have been adjusted in an effort to safeguard health and suffering, especially for our precious children.

The evasive statements from the World Health Organization and other phrases such as “not classified,” “inconclusive” and “experts generally agree” concerning analysis of this poison would not have induced me to jeopardize our children’s welfare, as they did for the mayor and board members.

The toxin glyphosate is often carelessly applied everywhere and was recently detected in our food. Please be aware and not complacent.

Cheryl McMillan

