
Spaghetti dinner fundraiser for retired fire chief

Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013 10:57 PM

There will be a spaghetti dinner and silent auction held to benefit the Steve Ebner family on Sunday, Jan. 20, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Steve Ebner has been devoted to the fire service for 42 years, most recently as the chief of Fort Lewis Mesa Fire Protection District. In March of 2012 Steve was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and is currently awaiting a bone marrow transplant. After the diagnosis Steve was forced to retire from the job he loved.

Friends and fire department colleagues of Steve Ebner are working to raise funds to help support Steve and his family during his treatments. The spaghetti dinner and silent auction will be held at Fort Lewis Mesa Fire Station #3 in Hesperus, located just south of the Hwy. 160 and Hwy. 140 intersection. Many great items have been collected for the silent auction, including a 30-minute helicopter ride from Tri-State Careflight, premium car train tickets, clothing and many more items. There will also be a marrow donor drive; registration kits will be available for anyone that is interested in being a donor.

For more information, please contact Cassie Robinson at 759-4878 or Devonne McBride at 749-4366.
