
Term limits are wisest, vote NO on 7A

Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018 4:49 PM

Limits? We’ve got’em! Fish limits, age limits, wage limits, balls and strikes, minimum and maximum prison sentences.

Even important folks like our presidents are limited to two four-year terms in office. (Thank God). Even if they love their complicated jobs and kids and pets. Term limits? Yes, of course. Vote NAY on 7A!

Attila the Hun, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and Fidel Castro had no limits!

Term limits are as old as America and no less vital today than they were when our founding fathers deemed them essential to the running of America. Term limits foster success. If you are term limited don’t whine. You are replaceable. Move over for the next guy or gal. They might just know something you don’t.

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, opined centuries ago, “It is not so easy to do wrong in a short as long tenure of office.”

Washington, Adams, Jefferson and other wise, dead leaders insisted on regular rotations in government positions. They moved over voluntarily. Only recently have we invented the concept of “career politicians.”

Are “We The People” to take a step backwards and remove term limitations? Are “We The People” falling asleep?

One last adage: “It might not be wise to tear down a fence without first understanding the reason for its creation.”

Please Vote NAY on 7A. Your forefathers will applaud your decision. God bless you all, America too.

Gene Baxstrom

