
McAfee brings strengths to commission

Monday, Oct. 15, 2018 10:34 AM

This is a time of division in America. It’s not hard to see where so many Americans feel resentful and distrustful towards politicians regardless of which side they might be on.

There is one election this year, however, that can empower us because it is local and because it is local we can have a say that means something here at home. That is the Montezuma County commissioner election and while we have fine and qualified candidates one stands out.

MB McAfee speaks with civility and understands the issues and the commission’s agenda. She will be a full-time commissioner who has concrete ideas about strengthening our economy. She advocates for the responsible management of our public lands.

Through the years her work with the Bridge Shelter has reached out to those of us who might be disadvantaged. Likewise, MB will be available to all constituents, to listen, to engage and attempt to solve those problems that might be affecting our community.

MB McAfee stands above the political fray and has my unequivocal and enthusiastic support.

John Brzovic

