
Diane Mitsch Bush right for our district

Monday, Oct. 8, 2018 2:02 PM

I am writing about the congressional race between Diane Mitsch Bush and Scott Tipton. I am voting for Ms. Bush for many reasons.

First, we need to have a more balanced representation in Congress. Women need an advocate for their civil and financial rights. They need to have control of their reproductive rights. We need women to be able to realize their full potential.

Next, Ms. Bush is not beholden to corporate interests. She has no financial ties to the fossil fuel extraction industries.

She is for clean environmental policies, which keep Colorado’s open spaces less polluted.

I feel Coloradans value our land and water and want to have clean spaces to enjoy our beautiful state. She will support clean air, land and water rules and prevent more public land from degradation.

Finally, she will work on immigration policies. We need to reform these policies and give the Dreamers citizenship. The United States has always been a country of immigrants and now that we have immigrants of color is no reason to demonize them. Immigrants are here to give their families better opportunities in this land of opportunity. They are not criminals; they work hard and pay taxes.

I urge you to use your day-to-day experiences and not politician’s talking points or party dogma to help you make your decision on whom to vote for. We need a check on our current political situation. Please vote this November, and I urge you vote for Diane Mitsch Bush.

Frankie Hannah

Steamboat Springs
