
Vote YES on 112 to oppose fracking

Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018 9:46 AM

Proposition 112 on November’s ballot addresses the inherent risks involved in fracking operations by requiring increased setbacks from homes, schools and water sources. The proposition does not seek a ban, but a commonsense set of regulations protecting the health and safety of Colorado residents and our environment.

Since the fracking-related explosion at Firestone, which killed two and injured one in their own home, there have been 14 more fracking-related fires and explosions in Colorado.

The fracking industry consumes upward of 4.6 billion gallons of fresh water yearly in Colorado. About half that water is permanently contaminated with toxic chemicals and radioactive materials dredged up from the depths of wells. As demand for disposal has increased, this so called “produced” water is being sold in California to irrigate edible crops, and Montezuma and Dolores counties sprayed it on some of our gravel roads for dust control!

Fracked wells have a lifespan of one to three years, making them a poor long-term investment. Boom and bust operations in Colorado diminish our most sustainable products: wild and pristine land and water, hunting and fishing , off-road adventures, local food production, alternative energy opportunities and a strong tourism and agricultural base.

Please vote YES on Proposition 112 for a commonsense approach to resource extraction in Colorado.

Betty Ann Kolner

