
Please vote for MB McAfee; she’s best

Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018 9:46 AM

First, I want to express my sincere appreciation and respect for the current county commissioners and all four candidates campaigning for a seat on the board. It is a tough job, trying to lead our county into sustainable paths while dealing with a very diverse constituency.

That said, I support MB McAfee. Her upbringing, education and broad life experience within and outside our community alone place her head and shoulders above the other candidates.

McAfee is passionately committed to the interests of the county. She and some others have participated in virtually every commissioners meeting for over three years.

MB is well informed from many points of view on an extraordinarily broad range of issues affecting all of us in Montezuma County. She is up to speed and ready to get to work the moment she is seated. I am convinced that she can look beyond her politics and personal interests to seek solutions that benefit the entire county, for now and for the future.

Hard though it may be, I ask that we all try to look beyond our own partisan political views and personal interests and take a good look at a person who is uniquely qualified to represent all of us as a Montezuma County commissioner.

We should try to consider all aspects of this race, then vote our best judgment. My best judgment tells me to ask all of you to vote for MB McAfee.

Wade Foster

