
MB McAfee is a hypocrite, and worse

Monday, Sept. 17, 2018 2:36 PM

When I see support for MB McAfee, I wonder how much knowledge of her these individuals possess.

I realize there are voters so partisan, they will support their respective parties’ nominees, no matter how pathetic the candidate is. Our last national election demonstrated that fact.

McAfee espouses campaign rhetoric of respect, civility and listening, in an attempt to deflect legitimate criticisms of her ability to interact with people who do not agree with her.

At the Cattlemen’s debate on Aug. 28, she clearly stated that her association with the Great Old Broads coalition ended somewhere around the year 2000. On Oct. 1, 2015, The Cortez Journal printed an article that McAfee filed a protest in conjunction with Rose Chilcoat of Great Old Broads before the county commissioners to voice opposition to the grazing of BLM allotments.

After reaping $865,363 from a farm subsidy program that paid farmers to take marginal croplands out of production to promote conservation (20 percent of the entire state of Colorado’s allocation), McAfee switched to the new Grazing Lands program that allows her to receive more gains from taxpayers.

A neighbor commented that some of McAfee’s lands resemble a moonscape, and he is correct.

Due to ineffective fencing this summer, cattle on McAfee land were in trespass on, in, and through the Dove Creek Canal, not to mention on the county roads.

McAfee likes to stress the importance of land stewardship.

There has not been a tax hike that she has not supported.

Montezuma County cannot afford her thirst for money and power.

Valerie Maez

