
Final lecture set in FLC Lifelong Learning Series

Monday, Dec. 3, 2012 7:28 PM

DURANGO - The Life-Long Learning Lecture Series at Fort Lewis College presents “Transitioning into Resilience in Uncertain Times” by Dr. Ruah Swennerfelt on Thursday, November 29 at 7 p.m. This free presentation will be held in Noble Hall, Rm. 130 and is open to everyone.

The Transition Movement, co-founded by Dr. Ruah Swennerfelt, has helped communities worldwide begin making the change from fossil-fuel dependency to locally-based economic resilience. Dr. Swennerfelt will share stories of the hopes, struggles, and ultimate successes he has observed in his extensive travels to Transition communities around the globe who are committed to this optimistic and energetic movement. Learn how both large cities and small towns are building a brilliant future.
