
It’s Bush for Congress and gun safety

Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018 11:11 PM

Less than a month ago, we heard a tragic yet all too familiar story on the news: another mass shooting, this one at a Maryland newspaper. After that, we received something else all too familiar; the typical Republican response, “thoughts and prayers.” This scenario has played out many times before. It certainly went this way for Aurora and Columbine. The fact is, unless we enact common-sense gun laws, this nightmarish scenario will repeat itself over and over again for an increasing number of individuals.

Unfortunately, our 3rd District representative, Scott Tipton, is in the pockets of the NRA, who gave him an “A” rating. In return for this, Tipton has sided with the NRA on many issues, including a 2014 bill that stopped Washington, D.C., from implementing, among other gun-control policies, a firearms registry.

Fortunately, there is a better option. Diane Mitsch Bush has proudly gotten an “F” rating from the NRA and supports common-sense gun control.

Please, don’t let Western Colorado become the next victim of gun violence. A vote for Diane is a vote for our safety.

Marcus Breman

