
Think local for 2012 holiday shopping

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012 11:22 PM

As we move into the Thanksgiving holiday, most of us are giving some thought to the holidays approaching in December. The Chamber of Commerce encourages all those shoppers in the Valley to “Think Mancos First” as they begin planning their holiday shopping trips. In fact, Saturday, Nov. 24 is National Shop Local day.

Last year, the Chamber of Commerce began its “Mancos First” campaign to in an effort to keep dollars in our community. According to a study by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance 52 percent of the dollars spent at a local business will recirculate in the local economy compared to only 13.6 percent from a nationally-owned chain business. Another study showed that for every dollar spent in a local shop or restaurant 45 cents comes back to the community compared to only 15 cents from a chain operated business. For those of us who shop outside Mancos, be aware that there are probably even fewer dollars returned to the Valley. What we spend here stays here and helps to support our schools, the library and other important services.

Yep, Mancos is a small town and you can’t find everything you need or want here. But, join us at one of our “Mancos Cash Mob” events and explore the shopping options available in Mancos. Our next “Cash Mob” will be Saturday, Dec. 8, at 10 a.m. in the Raven House Gallery on Grand Avenue. Or, browse through our local shops and discover for yourself some new gift giving ideas. The Chamber of Commerce wishes everyone a happy holiday season.
