
So much to see — so much to hear!

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012 11:22 PM

NEW AT THE ANASAZI HERITAGE CENTER: Ancient Skywatchers of the Southwest, a photo exhibit of images and interpretations by John Ninnemann opens on Nov. 23. The Ancestral Puebloan people had a sophisticated knowledge of celestial events. These images capture the sun, moon, and their shadows in significant alignment to mark important points of the Pueblo year. John Ninnemann is a photographer, scientist, and Dean Emeritus at Fort Lewis College in Durango. MOB FOR GIFTS: Raven House Gallery, 120 W. Grand, will host the December Mancos Cash Mob on Saturday, Dec. 8 starting at 10 a.m. Bring your gift list, and shop local! See your friends. Have fun.

THE GIFT OF MUSIC: Hard to believe it, but it’s time for the Mancos Valley Chorus’ holiday concert series. Always the best show in town! At the Methodist church on Sun. Dec. 2 at 3:30 p.m., Fri. Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. and on Sat. Dec. 8 at 3:30 pm. And don’t miss it.

MANCOS TOWN GALLERY: “SUNNY DAZE” featuring photography by Patricia Burke and Brenda Burton, with drawings by Cat Fox, impressions of Costa Rica and Panama continues. Something bright and warm to ward off the impending winter gray and chill. The show will run until Dec. 15 at the Mancos Town Gallery (at the Visitors’ Center on Bauer) The space will be open weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

CALL FOR ENTRIES: The Town Gallery is working on the 2013 show schedule, and is actively seeking applications for exhibits. Contact Dian Law at for more information. All forms of visual art, paintings, photography, sculpture, etc, are acceptable.

BUTTERFLY VISIONS: Jan Wright, local artist, and recent Artist in Residence at both Petrified Forest National Park and Mesa Verde National Park, is hosting a holiday event at her home studio on the weekend of Dec. 1 and 2, featuring drawings, watercolors, card packs, refreshments, music and lots of discounts on all of it. Jan’s address is 13602 Road 33.6. (Turn left off 184 northbound at Rd. 33.6, and look for an “earthship” home ... you’re there.

CONTINUING AT OLIO: The current show with photographers, Barbara Grist and Mark Montgomery will continue through Saturday, Nov. 25. See it. The colors are magical. The food ain’t bad either ...

GOODNIGHT, AND SWEET DREAMS: The new show with drawings by Jerry Cohoe and paintings by Russell Crites will be at Goodnight Gallery for the month. Jerry’s drawings of Navajo people, especially of his two young daughters, capture their essence. Russell does exquisite “portraits” of Pueblo and Anasazi pots. They look like you could just pick them up off the canvas.

ZUMA SERVES UP MORE THAN FOOD: Starting this month, they will open on Friday nights for “Open Talent” events. Bring your guitar, bring your poetry, bring your ears. Get a latte and enjoy a spontaneous evening with your friends and neighbors. Time is 6 to 9 p.m.

MERRY MINATURES: The Cortez Cultural Center is looking for artists to participate in their annual Holiday Show. Visit their website for all the details.

JUST A MUSICAL FOOTNOTE: When I was a young art student living in New York City (yes, New York City!) I availed myself of all the classical musical fare I could afford. $2 seats for the opera, if you sat in the third balcony! Afternoon chamber music by students. All marvelous, and accessible. Well, I am here to report that in this part of the world, fabulous, professional, knock-your-socks-off music is readily available. My husband, Jim and I, on a tip from John Ninnemann (see above, plus violinist!) went to see Mozart’s “Requiem” last week at Ft. Lewis concert hall. The San Juan Symphony and several local choral societies (over 80 voices in all) performed our beloved piece to a tee. We went home in a tizzy of beauty. That, plus our trip to the Santa Fe Opera this summer, we are soakin’ in the culture!

KEEP IN TOUCH: Let me know what’s happening in the arts community. I’d love to publish info about your event, show, concert, play, whatever! Call me: 970-533-7536. I have a fairly a new email address:
