With another successful Veterans Day parade behind me, it is time to thank everyone who watched or participated in any way for your support.
Actually, the Veterans Day parade can be seen as an outdoor civics lesson in motion, or an exercise in community cooperation. From my American Legion buddies who furnish the facilities and lead the parade, to Ami Fair, who coordinates all the city and county resources and then lines up the parade participants, to the schools who teach their students the meaning of Veterans Day and schedule time for them to take part, its all joint effort and positive experience.
The community service organizations and private business enterprises who take part are greatly appreciated. A veteran can have an early breakfast at the Legion, complimentary coffee with other businesses, lunch at the Elks Club, all before the parade, and then dinner at Jack and Janelles, and I probably still missed mentioning someone! And for sure, we had cake and coffee at the Legion Hall after the parade, with entertainment by the Highland Band and the Mesa Howlers. Pretty good for older folks and little kiddos who also marched in the parade.
So it doesnt really matter to us whether someone might feel slighted that the parade doesnt go down Main Street instead of Montezuma.
Those of us who actually do the work, voluntarily, have determined that the Montezuma route makes for maximum participation, provides a safe hometown atmosphere, and lets those who want to, honor our veterans in person and see the community at its best. Its what sets us apart from other communities who have no participation and therefore no parade or other support for their veterans.
We are blessed to live here!
John Shriner
Veterans Day Parade Chairman