
Rico Community Thanksgiving Dinner is Sunday

Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012 10:28 PM

Last week, I mentioned that the trees may think that it is Spring and begin to bud thinking that winter is over. Don’t we wish! Well, not really, because we love the beauty of winter. Skiing is a wonderful sport, snowboarding too, of course. It is all the fun things that go with skiing, etc., that makes it so much fun especially when one is in good condition and not too old — I mean really old like us! We enjoyed years of skiing, camping, fishing and all the fun sports. Some citizens ski when they are up in years if they stay in decent shape. Some even in their eighties. Lucky.

Anyway, we are watching the temperature decline when the sun disappears behind Mt. Expectation around 4:30 at this time of the year. As you all know, we do not have sunsets with all the colors. Actually, we do enjoy a semblance of the sunset, but it is high up in the sky above the Town with the mountains interfering. The saying goes that “if one cannot have the mountains to live in, you must have the sea — one or the other.” We want the mountains and the sea and it seems that the majority rules — mountains for most of the year, but when ski season ends and the slow season is in effect, where do all our friends go? To Mexico or somewhere that has sun, sand, sea and seafood.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, The Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at the Courthouse this coming Sunday at 1 a.m. This is always a perfect time to see our friends and neighbors, bring a side dish, if possible and just relax and for once in this busy year enjoy a super dinner, of course, and renew and discuss all the good times we have enjoyed through the years. The church will be setting up on Saturday after lunch and if you want to make yourself useful, show up and help set up the table and chairs for the event. I am not joshing, fellow citizen’s. Try it, you might enjoy helping out. Not that you haven’t done it before, many of you have been helpful throughout the years.

Because winter hours are setting in and our working force arrive home after dark everything slows down in our peaceful little Town. When snow covers everything on our earth, we hear the laughter of youngsters mostly on weekends when they all take to the hills in Town. During the week, it is, sadly, too dark to play outside.
