
A home can be replaced; a life cannot

Monday, Nov. 12, 2012 11:11 PM


Compassion is caring for the safety and well-being of others. People who work in law enforcement definitely fit that definition. The hours are long and the pay is moderate at best. The deputy whom John McHenry is accused of assaulting was at his assigned post, charged with the responsibility of maintaining the safety of homeowners and preventing looters from taking or destroying the property of people who had evacuated their homes.

Common sense would dictate that you do not run into a fire. If Mr. McHenry had been allowed to “go home,” it is possible that rescue personnel could have faced injury or death in an effort to rescue him. A home can be replaced. A life cannot.

Mr. McHenry’s home did not burn. If he had controlled his temper, he would not be facing the problems he has now. Mr. McHenry made the choice to assault a police officer. that is a serious crime. Now he must face the consequences for his action.

Other people were faced with the same situation as Mr. McHenry. They did not make the same choice that he made. Assaulting a police officer was not the correct solution to the problem, but apparently it was Mr. McHenry’s. Is that the solution that our community finds acceptable?

It is easy to second-guess the actions of others, especially when you were not there. The deputy acted to protect Mr. McHenry in a potentially life-threatening situation. I am sure the letters written by Mr. Baer, Mr. Sanford and Mr. Larson would have been different if Mr. McHenry had been allowed to go to his home and then died as a result!

Dale Foote

