
The pork has not landed and the flags did fly

Monday, Nov. 12, 2012 11:10 PM


The Colorado Department of Transportation determined that the corridor comprising the 491/160 transition (Broadway) needed to be renovated in concrete because that would be most cost-effective. Assessments solely on upfront costs are not always advantageous in the long run. That is Public Works 101. It depends not only on the traffic count but the traffic load (cars are light vs. trucks are heavy). I think I’ll listen to the engineers on this one. The ones with two eyeballs say it will be a long-term convenience.

Thirty-nine flags were placed out on Monday and taken down on Wednesday. If you voted early, maybe you missed them. They weren’t flying the Monday through Wednesday the week previous to the election. Also, FYI, Cortez has one city manager, multiple city directors, and yes, the City of Cortez is in the United States of America (west of the Mississippi and east of California), and God bless it.

I was born a wisenheimer and I’ll die one. Keep smiling, everyone. Better days are coming.

Richard M. Feit


